How to protect wordpress website from hackers

Does your website malicious code OR hackers add some bad code to wordpress root files? I recognise you exasperated with this nature of website attack. Here are the greatestweighty solutions. I will segment with this post that relief to secure your website from hackers.

 I will demonstration some approaches to safeguard any WordPress dashboard alongside virus attacks. To follow up underneath tactics you can make a harder day for hackers.

It is vital to defend your website. Because the hackers incorporate the script and bad code inside root files. The hackers can easy way to invention your private data, payment information, member’s data and many more.

1. Default Admin User

Certainly not use your admin login user name as “admin”. The WordPress set the default user name as admin and you can easily change the user name to a different user name.

 Do not use your name or business name as a username because hackers can predict that also.

So best practice is to create different user name to protect your WordPress website.

2. Password protect admin URL.

Hackers always try to access first the WordPress admin URL to login with your website. You can make the URL authentication.

 If your WordPress admin has set the URL authentication.  Then, there is no chance they can login with your WordPress dashboard.

 Password protected URL helps a lot to secure your website.

 You can set URL authentication from website cpanel. Another way is you can ask your web developers to do that via programmatically.

3. Custom login URL

WordPress provides a default URL like, As all the hackers know very well about default URL and they set this URL to get your website data easy.

 If you change your admin URL as custom then hacker script cannot read the custom URL. You can find a lot of WordPress plugins to set your website custom admin URL.

 If the hacker has your user name and password then also he cannot login.

4. Login Attempts

Many hackers try to login with your admin as a generic password as 123, 1234 as many and sometimes they get success. Hackers can get your website data with many logins attempts.

 As WordPress do not block users if they insert the wrong password many times.

 To make a brute-force attack difficult or impossible. I recommend you to use these two plugins.  “Limit Login Attempts Reloaded” Or Wordfence Security plugin.

 With these plugins you can set up the logins attempts.

5. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-Factor Authentication is an extra layer of security. It is help to make your website secure. You can use these two plugins If you would like to integrated with your website.


 There are also more plugins available but the above are what I omit to use.

 2FA verify users while login and registration.  It is use SMS and OTP authentication method to block hackers to read WordPress website files.

6. Updates plugins &Wordpress

Hackers always hack the wordpress dashboard. And get website data but there are some tricks to block themes.

Do not use any outdated plugins, themes, or wordpress version.

Always use the latest version. If the plugins need to updated then do the update on a timely basis. That helps you to protect your website from hackers.

7. Add Google Captcha

If you can add the Google captcha with the wordpress login. And if you check first that it is not a generic user or that page is not open with any script.

It blocks hackers from signing in from many email addresses that they will use to get website data.

If you have an online shopping or woocommerce website then it makes you a more secure website.

8. Enable Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Firewell (WAF) always blocks all the malicious traffic before it reaches your website. A web application firewall is the best way to protect your website from hack easy.

Firewalls have cloud proxy servers that send only genuine traffic to the website.

I would suggest using the sucuri plugin for the web application firewall.

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